The Spring Festival is just around the corner,less than a month and a half away.Our factory's order volume continues to surge.Our front line workers are diligently fulfilling these orders about flexible joints and expansion joints, always prioritizing quality and customer satisfaction.Batch after batch of products undergo a rigorous series of processes and inspections,ready to be dispatched.
The accompanying picture showcases our flexible joints,expansion joints,and UV-resistant joints.Our products are customizable, and their quality is highly regarded by our customers.Flexible joint is used to absorb vibration and reduce noise,connect pumps to pipe.Flexible joints have braided type and tie rod type,which are FM approved,rated working pressure are 230 psi.Expansion joints for axial movement or lateral movement.Axial movement is a movement along with the pipe,mainly caused by temperature changing.It can absorb the expansion or compression of pipe line.Movement not along with the pipe is lateral or angular movement,such as deformation joint caused by unequal settlement.(It is used in deformation joint to compensate the unequal settlement.)FM approved UV-loop for compensate all the movement from all directions,especially in the earthquake.
Post time: Dec-16-2024